Tuesday, January 24, 2017

How to repair corrupted memory card or USB Pen Drive (HINDI)

Hello Friends
Here is some cool idea to repair your corrupted memory card or usb Pen drive very easly just by following some simple command line.
Attached your memory card (MMC) or USB Pend drive to your laptop and open the command promt in administrator mode. and follow these codes.

1- Diskpart

2- List Disk

3- Select Disk 1 (Choose the correct number based on your computer)

4- Clean

5- Create Partition primary

6 - Active

7- Select Partition 1

8 - Format fs=fat32 ( you can also use NTFS instead of fat32)

Thats it, after completing the format your Memory card definitely works as always 
if you want to see in video watch the below video for visual tutorial.



  1. Hello, Maine apna sd card format karne ka try kiya. Lekin dick select nahi ho rhi hai. Mai Kya Karu
